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How to Monitor AdWords Competitors: A comprehensive Guide

How to monior adwords competitors

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Are you looking for an effective way to stay ahead of the competition regarding your online ad campaigns? If so, then monitoring your AdWords competitors is a must.

By understanding their strategies and how they are performing, you can adjust your campaign accordingly and ensure that it remains competitive.

In this blog post, we will discuss why it is essential to monitor AdWords competitors and provide some tips on how to do so.

How to See Competitors in Google Ads

Here are a few tips on how to see Google Ads competitors:

1. Set up competitor campaigns for comparison

You can set up parallel campaigns with identical targeting settings and measure them against each other. This will enable you to see what works best between your strategy and your competition’s.

2. Use the “Auction Insights” report

The Auction Insights report provides valuable information on how often your ads show above or below those of your competitors. It also shows data such as impressions share, overlap rate, position above rate, top of page rate, outranking share, etc.

3. Monitor ad copy

Keeping an eye on competitor ad copy can give you insight into their approach and what resonates with their target audience that you can tap into as well.

4. Analyze organic search rankings

Knowing who ranks for profitable keywords related to your business is critical to staying ahead of the game regarding organic and paid search results on Google Ads. Use competitor research tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs to get an overview of where you and your competitors rank for specific terms, which will help inform your strategy in the future.

5. Use client feedback reports

Client feedback reports can provide useful insight into how customers perceive you and your competitors. These reports will offer valuable feedback that can be used to refine or adjust PPC campaigns accordingly if necessary.

Best Helpful Tools for Evaluating Google Ads Competition

Here is a look at some of the best tools to monitor or run competitor analysis for Google Ads campaigns:

1. SEMrush

This comprehensive digital marketing tool allows you to track your competitor’s Google Ads keywords rankings, ad copy, and overall performance. You can even compare their campaigns with your running Google Ads campaigns to identify improvement areas.

2. Ahrefs

Another influential tool marketers and businesses use, Ahrefs, offers insights into competitor backlinks, SEO strategy, organic search visibility, and other essential metrics.

3. Google Rank Check

GoogleRankCheck is a tool that monitors, analyzes, and enhances your SERP rankings effortlessly. It is a comprehensive solution that not only monitors and analyzes search rankings but also ensures your website’s visibility is optimized for success. If you want to stay ahead in the competitive search engine landscape, go through this intuitive rank-tracking tool. Remember, effective SEO extends beyond rankings alone.

4. SpyFu

SpyFu provides information needed to uncover how competitors use PPC ads to target their customers. It also helps identify keywords that competitors are bidding on as well as advertisement history so you can gain an understanding of what has been working for them in the past.

5. Wordtracker Scout

Wordtracker Scout is an excellent resource for researching the latest trends related to keyword searches, helping you stay ahead of the competition by discovering new opportunities they may have yet to consider.

6. SERanking

This all-in-one SEO software allows users to monitor ranking changes across multiple countries or regions at once, making it easy to keep an eye on competitors around the globe without having to check each market separately continually.

Google Ads Campaign Target ROAS Simulator

Google Competitor Ads Campaign Target ROAS Simulator is an advanced tool designed to help marketers and advertisers optimize their campaigns to achieve the highest return on investment. It uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze past campaign performance data and determine the optimal budget, bid, keywords, and other factors for achieving the desired ROAD in future campaigns. 

Using Google Ads Campaign Target ROAS Simulator can help maximize profits while minimizing risks associated with unprofitable campaigns. It considers factors such as competitor bids, current market trends, keyword impressions and search volume, and geographic targeting metrics to recommend the best path for success accurately. 

Google Merchant Center’s Best Sellers

Google Merchant Center’s BestSellers is a handy tool for retailers and online businesses. It provides a list of the highest-converting products and insights into how competitive certain products are, enabling businesses to identify potential new markets or opportunities for growth.

The Best Sellers algorithm evaluates numerous factors, such as search query volume and customer conversion rates, to determine which items are most likely successful. Businesses can then use this data to prioritize their marketing efforts, ensuring they target the right products for the right audience at the right time. 

Ahrefs’ Site Explorer

Ahrefs’ Site Explorer is an invaluable tool for website owners and digital marketers alike. It provides a comprehensive view of website performance, allowing users to identify opportunities for improvement and unlock potential growth areas.

Site Explorer simplifies monitoring website health by providing detailed insights into metrics such as organic traffic, paid search traffic, backlinks, referring domains, and more. This data can then be analyzed to determine which pages are performing well and which may need improvement to increase visibility and engagement.

Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Ads Keyword Planner is an essential tool for digital marketers looking to increase their visibility in organic Google search results. By allowing users to identify and target the most relevant keywords for their campaigns, this tool helps ensure that businesses reach their target audience with the most effective messages.

With Google Ads Keyword Planner, users can research the performance of various keyword combinations and view detailed metrics such as search volumes, average cost-per-click, and competition levels. This data can then be used to develop keyword strategies to improve ad placement and ROI. 

Google Merchant Center’s Price Competitiveness

Google Merchant Center’s Price Competitiveness tool provides businesses with an invaluable resource for understanding their industry’s competitive landscape. This feature enables users to compare their prices to their competitors to identify opportunities for price optimization.

By entering a keyword related to their product or service, users can gain immediate insights into average prices across the web and how competitively priced their offerings are in comparison. They can also view pricing trends over time and compare their competitive position against similar products and services within the same category. 

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free service provided by Google that enables users to receive notifications when new content related to their search query is published. By setting up an alert, users can stay informed about critical topics like news, industry updates, and more.

Once a user has created an alert, they will receive an email whenever a new article or piece of content that matches their query appears on the web. This helps to ensure that they always keep up with the latest news and developments in their field. Additionally, Google Alerts also allows users to refine their search criteria to receive more specific results.


How do I track my competitors’ Google Ads?

You can track your competitors’ Google Ads using various tools, such as Majestic. This tool allows users to monitor competitor data, including campaigns and budgets, to gain insights into their strategy.

How do I spy on competitors in AdWords?

You can spy on competitors in AdWords by using tools such as Google Ads Keyword Planner and Google Alerts. With the help of these tools, you can access competitor data such as keywords used, budget allocations, and more.

How do you see what ads my competitors are running?

You can use tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner, Google Alerts, and Majestic to see what ads your competitors are running. These tools allow you to access competitor data such as keywords used, budget allocations, and more.

Concluding Thoughts

By leveraging these powerful tools, businesses will better understand what strategies they need to employ to stay competitive and increase revenue. With this knowledge, companies can focus more on effective marketing initiatives and ensure long-term success.

Rob Warner
Rob Warner

Rob Warner is a numbers man turned marketing geek. Rob walked away from a successful career in business finance to fulfill his ambition to be a professional marketer. He went from learning the fundamentals of Google advertising to now being a member of the Google Partners Executive Council and with a worldwide team managing over $20 billion of advertising spend a year on behalf of the marketing agencies and their clients. Rob started his own agency in 2012, having already acquired a client base with no larger marketing strategy than just word of mouth.

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