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WordPress Review: Still Among the Best

Wordpress Review

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For more than ten years, WordPress has been one of the most widely used website builders on the internet. We’ll examine whether WordPress website builders are still a good choice in our in-depth assessment.

The self-hosted version of WordPress,, will be the main focus of this evaluation. We’ll examine the features, usability, and general performance in more detail to assist you in determining whether this is the best website builder for your requirements.

What Is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system based on open-source code available for free use and modification by everyone under the terms of GPLv2. In essence, a content management system is a tool that simplifies the management of crucial website elements, such as content, for users without the need to be proficient in programming languages.

In the end, WordPress enables anyone to create a website, even those without programming experience. Alternatively, for those who want custom web development and design, working with a WordPress agency is the answer!

Partnering with a custom WordPress development company can ensure that your website meets all your specific requirements and stands out in terms of functionality and design.

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Who Created WordPress?

A community of committed developers, users, and supporters power the WordPress project. For this reason, WordPress is free.

WordPress was founded as a result of the primary creators of an existing blogging program, b2/Cafelog, ceasing development. Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, two b2/Cafelog users, decided to develop a new platform on top of b2/Cafelog in 2003.

They most likely had no idea they were about to go on a trip that would eventually help millions of users worldwide and that thousands of web publishers, developers, designers, authors, and bloggers would make their income from it, and an entire business.

Top Benefits of WordPress

It’s Free

WordPress is free; there are no costs, no obligations, and no sense of guilt if you use something you think you should be paying for. The software is available for free download at (notice 

The only drawback is that WordPress needs to be hosted somewhere. Two choices are available: There are two types of web hosting: managed hosting, where you pay someone else to handle the hosting along with most maintenance and security, and self-hosted, where you bear all hosting expenses and duties.

Easy Installation and Configuration

WordPress is designed for novice users and seasoned experts. Installing and configuring WordPress is quite simple for both parties.

It just requires a one-click installation that doesn’t require any code.

It is Quick and Easy to Add Content 

That is the part that worries folks when they talk about web design and creating a website. They believe that adding content is a small issue that should be taken care of later and that creating a single web page requires much coding and design work.

However, the majority of that design work has already been completed. One reason to use WordPress’ website builder is the ability to create a landing page or blog post with only one mouse click.

WordPress Can Be Adaptable

WordPress is a fantastic tool for creating almost any kind of website. Even better, your website may change as you do.

Do you wish to enhance your current WordPress website with a forum? Install the bbPress plugin to solve the issue! Desire to incorporate a social network? Use the plugin for BuddyPress.

You can always change and advance; you are never restricted to a particular set of capabilities.

It’s Safe

Using a secure platform is essential in this day and age, as cybersecurity attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

The WordPress platform is safe. The fact that it has a specialized security team that strives to enhance the platform highlights how important security is to it. The job assigned to this team is to find and address any security flaws before they become a problem.

WordPress Community Provides Assistance

WordPress is backed by worldwide communities that love the platform since it is open source and free. It is up to this group of WordPress enthusiasts to make modifications to the source files and maintain WordPress secure and up to date. In addition, the WordPress community actively reaches out to users by arranging WordPress camps all around the globe and fostering the development of regional WordPress user organizations.

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It is SEO Friendly

WordPress is an excellent platform for SEO (search engine optimization), which is another reason to adopt it.

WordPress has excellent coding and semantic markup, which is why search engines adore it. Additionally, a lot of SEO-optimized plugins, like Yoast SEO, add extra code and markup to enhance the website’s ability to connect with search engines and increase rankings.

Best WordPress Features

Built-in Onsite Analytics

Google Analytics provides any website wishing to launch with access to basic data. It’s excellent for novices, but as you get better at analytics, you’ll have more control over the data you gather and the conclusions you make.

Bring the information gathering with you. An extension that collects data or gives you control over custom data collection is available. Have it produced if you require a special feature for which there isn’t currently software?

Defining the data points that you would like to collect is the next step after a team has learned the fundamentals of using analytics to improve any type of website. 

Custom Design

Now that WordPress is updated, it can function outside the confines of pre-existing themes. Put another way, you can alter the website’s style without using one of the platform’s pre-existing, specialized themes. It is wonderful to have a feature that enables us to develop by certain requirements in this quickly changing digital world. Whatever kind of website you want to create, WordPress’s custom design tools can meet your specific requirements. You will have infinite alternatives by utilizing millions of plugins and custom themes.

Change the Post Title, Categories, and Tags 

It is possible to quickly edit a post without having to open it. You can alter other things, but you are unable to edit the post’s actual content.

When you hover over a specific post on the All Posts screen, the Quick Edit option will appear.

Integrated Map Location

It has always been beneficial to be on the map, and now you can make yourself visible. Google My Business (GMB), which adds your pin to Google Maps, ought to be integrated into every firm by now. It’s time to confirm that you are on the radar now. Based on your GMB profile, create an extensive and comprehensive listing for your company that includes visual assets. 

Accessibility Mode Widget

I think everyone enjoys how simple it is to drag & drop widgets onto sidebars. Nevertheless, dragging and dropping objects using a mouse or trackpad might be challenging for a lot of individuals.

Additionally, WordPress has a widget accessibility mode that is hidden. It is simpler to add widgets in this accessibility mode because you don’t have to drag and drop things.

Integrated News & Blog Posting

WordPress offers integrated blogging and category administration, enabling effortless addition, modification, and removal of content as required. With the help of the cutting-edge, block-based editor Gutenberg, you may continuously upload news articles from your browser. This beautiful layout includes a simple writing interface where you can insert titles, content, images, videos, and other elements of your post. Additionally, the Gallery block included with this WordPress editor allows you to arrange the visual elements in rows and columns using a grid layout. You won’t become lost in the pictures you wish to add or remove from your gallery when you use this block.

WordPress Pricing

First, you have to know that there are two types of WordPress sites: and vs

The method the website is hosted is the primary distinction between the two versions. is a self-hosted option (you maintain it yourself), but is a hosting platform that offers a turnkey solution. Nonetheless, the same software operates both versions.

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You should be aware that, whether you like it or not, advertisements will appear if you build a website on Furthermore, you won’t be able to use ads to monetize your website. If you don’t like it, you can go for WordPress Pro. You have to pay $15 monthly to obtain it.

When you first start, the average cost of a domain name and hosting for a website can range from $30 to $80 annually. That is ultimately more alluring than the Pro plan on

WordPress Alternatives

These are our top selections for WordPress substitutes for a range of requirements:

  •  Hostinger Website Builder: This AI-powered tool makes website creation easier.
  •  Wix: a website-building tool that doesn’t require programming.
  •  Joomla boasts an extensive collection of add-ons.
  • Squarespace offers eye-catching template designs.
  • Weebly with an affordable initial plan.
  • Shopify, an eCommerce specialist.


Which Language Is Used By WordPress?

PHP is used to write WordPress. In addition, learning PHP, HTML, and CSS is essential if you want to work professionally with WordPress.

How Can WordPress Plugins Improve Your Website’s Functionality?

Third-party WordPress plugins can be installed on a WordPress website to increase its capabilities. They provide you access to great features and let you personalize your website in ways that a regular WordPress installation would not let you. You may connect e-commerce features, add contact forms, and build custom post kinds using some WordPress plugins.

Is Learning WordPress Difficult?

WordPress has a steep learning curve, but you can get to know the ins and outs of the platform with the help of numerous tutorials and setup guides.

The Wrap-Up

In summary, is a highly recommended website builder for individuals seeking a highly adaptable and robust platform to create their website. provides a compelling solution for website construction and maintenance with its wide range of customization possibilities, big plugin library, and potent SEO tools.

Joe Troyer
Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Virtual Valley. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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